Bachelor Fashion Marketing in Institute Francis de la Mode


Are you passionate about fashion and marketing? Do you dream of pursuing a career in the fashion industry, but also want to understand the intricate world of marketing? If so, enrolling in the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) might be the perfect fit for you. In this article, we will explore the exceptional opportunities and unique experiences that await you at IFM, one of the world’s leading fashion institutions. From its history and curriculum to the advantages it offers, we will delve into the reasons why IFM stands out as a top choice for aspiring fashion marketers.

History of Institut Français de la Mode (IFM)

Founded in 1986, Institut Français de la Mode, or IFM, has been a trailblazer in the realm of fashion education for over three decades. Established in Paris, France, a global fashion capital, IFM was born out of a vision to nurture creative minds and develop experts who could bridge the gap between fashion and marketing. With a legacy of excellence, IFM has consistently been at the forefront of fashion innovation and research.

Overview of the Bachelor Fashion Marketing Program

At IFM, the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program is carefully designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fashion industry’s nuances, combined with the essentials of marketing strategies. The curriculum strikes the perfect balance between creativity and business acumen, preparing students for dynamic careers in the ever-evolving world of fashion.

Specializations Offered

Students enrolled in the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program can choose from various specializations, allowing them to tailor their education to suit their specific interests and career goals. Some popular specializations include:

  • Fashion Branding and Communication
  • Retail and Merchandising
  • Luxury Marketing
  • Digital Marketing in Fashion

Fashion Branding and Communication

Fashion Branding and Communication is a specialized area within the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM). This aspect of the curriculum focuses on the crucial role branding and communication play in the success of fashion businesses.

Brand Identity and Image:

In this module, students delve into the fundamentals of creating a brand identity that reflects the essence and values of a fashion label. They learn how to craft a unique brand image that resonates with the target audience and sets the brand apart in a competitive market. Understanding the significance of brand positioning and storytelling helps students develop a coherent and compelling brand identity.

Marketing Strategies for Fashion Brands:

Fashion Branding and Communication also involve exploring various marketing strategies tailored specifically for fashion brands. Students learn how to create effective marketing campaigns that encompass digital media, traditional advertising, and innovative methods to reach the target consumers. They analyze successful fashion marketing campaigns and learn from real-world case studies.

Visual Merchandising and Store Design:

The visual presentation of a fashion brand plays a significant role in attracting customers and influencing their purchasing decisions. In this module, students understand the principles of visual merchandising and store design. They learn how to create visually appealing displays that communicate the brand’s identity and effectively showcase its products.

Public Relations and Media Relations:

Public relations and media play a vital role in the fashion industry. Students in this specialization learn how to manage public relations effectively, including organizing events, fashion shows, and press conferences. They also gain insights into building strong relationships with the media to enhance brand visibility and reputation.

Digital Branding and Social Media Marketing:

As the fashion industry continues to embrace digital transformation, students in the Fashion Branding and Communication specialization learn to navigate the digital landscape. They explore social media marketing, influencer collaborations, and online branding strategies to connect with the digitally savvy consumer base.

Consumer Behavior and Market Research:

Understanding consumer behavior and conducting market research are crucial for fashion marketers. Students gain insights into consumer trends, preferences, and behaviors to develop strategies that align with the target audience’s needs and aspirations.

Sustainability and Ethical Branding:

With growing awareness of sustainability and ethical practices in the fashion industry, students learn about the importance of incorporating responsible practices into brand strategies. They explore how sustainable and ethical branding can positively impact a fashion label’s reputation and customer loyalty.

Retail and Merchandising

The specialization in Retail and Merchandising within the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) focuses on the intricate aspects of managing and presenting fashion products in retail environments. This specialization equips students with the knowledge and skills required to excel in the fast-paced and dynamic world of fashion retail.

Retail Buying and Inventory Management:

In this module, students learn the art of retail buying, which involves selecting and procuring fashion products that align with the brand’s image and customer preferences. They understand the importance of maintaining a well-balanced and profitable inventory, while also keeping abreast of emerging trends and consumer demands.

Retail Merchandising Strategies:

Merchandising plays a crucial role in attracting customers and maximizing sales. Students explore visual merchandising techniques to create captivating displays that showcase products in an appealing and aesthetically pleasing manner. They also learn how to strategically position products within the store to optimize customer engagement and sales.

Retail Store Operations:

Understanding the operational aspects of a retail store is essential for successful retail management. Students learn about store layout, staffing, customer service, and inventory management systems, all of which contribute to creating a seamless shopping experience for customers.

E-commerce and Omni-channel Retailing:

In today’s digital age, e-commerce has revolutionized the retail landscape. Students in this specialization explore the world of online retailing, understanding the nuances of running an e-commerce platform and leveraging digital marketing to drive online sales. They also delve into the concept of omni-channel retailing, where brands seamlessly integrate their online and offline channels to provide a unified shopping experience.

Retail Marketing and Promotions:

Marketing and promotions are essential to attract and retain customers. Students learn how to develop effective retail marketing campaigns, including seasonal promotions, sales events, and customer loyalty programs. They also explore the role of data-driven marketing strategies to target the right audience and enhance customer engagement.

Retail Analytics and Performance Metrics:

Analyzing retail data and performance metrics is crucial to making informed business decisions. Students learn how to interpret sales data, customer feedback, and other key performance indicators to optimize store performance and drive profitability.

Global Retail Trends and Market Analysis:

Fashion retail is influenced by global trends and consumer behavior. Students study international retail markets, emerging trends, and cultural influences to gain insights into the diverse needs and preferences of consumers worldwide.

By specializing in Retail and Merchandising, students at IFM gain a comprehensive understanding of the retail industry’s intricacies. They develop the skills necessary to succeed in retail management, visual merchandising, and e-commerce, enabling them to thrive in diverse roles within the fashion retail sector. Whether working for established brands or starting their own retail ventures, graduates of this specialization are equipped to make a significant impact in the ever-evolving world of fashion retail.

Luxury Marketing

Luxury Marketing is a specialized focus within the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) that delves into the distinctive world of high-end fashion and luxury brands. This specialization equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities present in the luxury fashion market.

Understanding Luxury Consumer Behavior:

Luxury consumers have distinct preferences and behaviors that set them apart from mainstream shoppers. In this module, students explore the mindset of luxury consumers, understanding their aspirations, motivations, and expectations. They gain insights into the emotional aspects of luxury purchases and learn how to create meaningful connections with affluent clientele.

Branding and Positioning for Luxury Brands:

Crafting a strong brand identity is paramount in the luxury segment. Students learn about the art of luxury branding and positioning, focusing on exclusivity, heritage, craftsmanship, and storytelling. They understand how to build and maintain the aura of luxury that resonates with discerning consumers.

Retailing and Customer Experience in Luxury Fashion:

The retail experience is a vital aspect of luxury marketing. Students explore the world of luxury retail, where attention to detail, personalized service, and elegant store atmospheres are paramount. They learn how to curate unique in-store experiences that leave a lasting impression on customers and foster brand loyalty.

Luxury Fashion Communication and PR:

In this module, students delve into the strategies and tactics employed in luxury fashion communication. They study the art of creating aspirational and captivating marketing campaigns that reflect the essence of luxury brands. Additionally, they learn how to manage public relations for luxury labels, cultivating an air of mystique and exclusivity.

Digital Luxury Marketing:

Luxury brands have embraced digital platforms to connect with their global audience. Students explore the world of digital luxury marketing, understanding how to leverage social media, influencer marketing, and content creation to maintain brand relevance while retaining an aura of luxury.

Sustainable Luxury and Ethical Practices:

With growing consumer awareness, luxury brands are increasingly embracing sustainability and ethical practices. Students learn how luxury brands can integrate sustainable initiatives and ethical values into their strategies without compromising on exclusivity and craftsmanship.

Global Luxury Markets and Luxury Business Strategies:

The luxury fashion industry operates on a global scale. Students study various luxury markets worldwide, analyzing their cultural nuances and consumer preferences. They also explore different luxury business strategies, such as collaborations, limited editions, and events, which are integral to the success of luxury brands.

Digital Marketing in Fashion

Digital Marketing in Fashion is a specialized area within the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) that focuses on harnessing the power of digital platforms to promote and grow fashion brands. In this ever-evolving digital landscape, mastering digital marketing techniques is crucial for success in the fashion industry.

Social Media Strategy for Fashion Brands:

Social media has become a driving force in the fashion industry, and students in this specialization learn to create effective social media strategies. They explore platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, understanding how to curate engaging content, build a loyal following, and leverage influencer marketing to reach a broader audience.

Content Creation and Curation:

Compelling and visually appealing content is essential for fashion brands online. Students learn the art of content creation, including photography, videography, and graphic design, to produce captivating visual assets. They also understand the importance of content curation, selecting and presenting content that aligns with the brand’s identity and resonates with the target audience.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Fashion Websites:

Search engine optimization is critical for fashion brands to rank higher in search engine results and increase organic traffic to their websites. Students delve into SEO best practices, including keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building, to enhance a brand’s online visibility and drive relevant traffic.

E-commerce and Online Retailing:

The digital era has revolutionized fashion retail, and students explore the world of e-commerce. They learn how to set up and manage online stores, optimize product listings, and implement e-commerce strategies to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

Email Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (CRM):

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for fashion brands to communicate directly with their audience. Students study email marketing best practices, including segmentation, personalized content, and effective call-to-actions, to build and nurture customer relationships.

Data Analytics and Performance Measurement:

Digital marketing efforts are most effective when data-driven decisions are made. Students gain proficiency in analyzing digital marketing data, interpreting key performance indicators, and using insights to optimize marketing campaigns and strategies.

Influencer Marketing and Collaborations:

Influencers have a significant impact on fashion consumers’ choices, and students explore the world of influencer marketing. They learn how to identify suitable influencers, negotiate collaborations, and measure the effectiveness of influencer campaigns.

Mobile Marketing and App Strategies:

With the increasing use of mobile devices, students learn how to create mobile-friendly marketing campaigns and develop strategies to leverage mobile apps as a means of engaging and retaining customers.

By specializing in Digital Marketing in Fashion, students at IFM are well-equipped to navigate the digital landscape and capitalize on the vast opportunities it presents. They become proficient in employing digital marketing strategies to elevate fashion brands, connect with a global audience, and stay ahead in the competitive fashion industry.

Expert Faculty

IFM boasts a diverse faculty of experienced professionals from the fashion and marketing industries. Students have the privilege of learning from renowned experts who bring real-world experiences into the classroom, offering invaluable insights and networking opportunities.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

IFM provides a stimulating learning environment with access to cutting-edge facilities. From well-equipped classrooms and modern libraries to dedicated spaces for design projects, students can unleash their creativity and innovation in an inspiring setting.

Advantages of Studying at Institut Français de la Mode

Internships and Industry Partnerships

IFM’s strategic location in Paris gives students unique access to a plethora of internship opportunities with renowned fashion houses, luxury brands, and marketing agencies. These internships not only provide hands-on experience but also open doors to potential job offers upon graduation.

Global Exposure

IFM’s international network and collaborations with leading fashion institutions worldwide offer students the chance to participate in exchange programs. Experiencing different cultures and fashion markets enriches students’ perspectives and equips them to thrive in the global fashion industry.

How to Apply for Admission

Applying for admission to the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) requires careful preparation and attention to detail. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and successful application process:

Research the Program Requirements:

Begin by thoroughly researching the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at IFM. Understand the specific admission requirements, including academic qualifications, language proficiency, and any additional documents or portfolios that may be required.

Complete the Online Application:

Visit the official IFM website and locate the online application portal. Create an account or log in if you already have one. Fill out the application form with accurate and up-to-date information. Pay attention to any sections that require you to provide personal statements or answer specific questions related to your interest in the program.

Prepare Required Documents: Gather all the necessary documents for your application. These may include:

  • High school or secondary school transcripts
  • English language proficiency test scores (if applicable)
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or employers
  • Personal statement or statement of purpose explaining your interest in the program and career goals
  • Portfolio showcasing relevant work or projects (if required)
  • Ensure that all documents are properly scanned and saved in a format compatible with the application portal.

Check Application Deadlines:

Be mindful of the application deadlines set by IFM. Missing the deadline could jeopardize your chances of being considered for admission. It’s advisable to apply well before the deadline to allow sufficient time for processing and evaluation.

Pay the Application Fee:

Some institutions, including IFM, may require an application fee. Make sure to pay the fee through the designated payment method provided by the university.

Submit Your Application:

Review your application thoroughly before submitting it. Check for any errors or missing information. Once you are confident that everything is accurate and complete, submit your application through the online portal.

Wait for a Response:

After submitting your application, patiently wait for a response from IFM. The university’s admission office will review your application and assess your suitability for the program based on the provided documents and qualifications.

Attend Interviews (if required):

In some cases, IFM may require applicants to attend interviews as part of the admission process. If you are asked to attend an interview, be prepared to discuss your academic background, interests, and aspirations related to the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program.

Acceptance and Enrollment:

If your application is successful and you receive an acceptance letter from IFM, congratulations! Follow the instructions provided in the acceptance letter to secure your place in the program. You may need to pay an enrollment deposit to confirm your attendance.

By following these steps and demonstrating your passion for fashion marketing and dedication to your studies, you increase your chances of being admitted to the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode. Good luck with your application!

How to Get a Scholarship

Obtaining a scholarship can significantly reduce the financial burden of pursuing higher education, including programs like the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at Institut Français de la Mode (IFM). Here are some steps you can follow to increase your chances of getting a scholarship:

Research Scholarship Opportunities:

Start by researching scholarship opportunities available for the program you wish to enroll in. Look for scholarships offered by IFM, government organizations, private institutions, foundations, and corporations. Pay attention to the eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines for each scholarship.

Maintain Academic Excellence:

Many scholarships are merit-based, so strive to maintain a high academic performance throughout your education. Excellent grades can significantly enhance your scholarship application and make you a more competitive candidate.

Pursue Extracurricular Activities:

Engage in extracurricular activities that demonstrate your leadership, teamwork, and community involvement. Participation in sports, clubs, volunteer work, or creative projects can showcase your well-rounded personality and dedication, making your scholarship application stand out.

Write a Compelling Personal Statement:

Most scholarship applications require a personal statement or essay. Use this opportunity to showcase your passion, goals, and how the scholarship would help you achieve them. Be genuine and emphasize the value you would bring to the academic community and beyond.

Secure Strong Letters of Recommendation:

Request letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, or mentors who know you well and can speak positively about your character, achievements, and potential. These letters add credibility to your scholarship application.

Tailor Your Application to Each Scholarship:

Avoid using a generic application for all scholarships. Customize your application to align with the specific requirements and values of each scholarship. Tailoring your application shows that you have invested time and effort in understanding the scholarship’s purpose.

Meet Application Deadlines:

Submit your scholarship applications well before the deadlines. Late applications are often disqualified, regardless of the applicant’s qualifications.

Seek Financial Aid Offices’ Assistance:

Reach out to the financial aid office at IFM or any relevant institution for guidance on available scholarships and the application process. They can provide valuable insights and support throughout your scholarship search.

Showcase Special Talents or Skills:

If you have any unique talents or skills related to fashion marketing or other areas, highlight them in your application. Scholarships might be available for specific talents, such as design, innovation, or entrepreneurship.

Be Persistent and Apply Widely:

Applying for scholarships can be competitive, so be persistent and apply to multiple opportunities. Cast a wide net by seeking both local and international scholarships to increase your chances of receiving financial aid.

Remember that each scholarship is unique, and the evaluation process can vary. Stay positive, stay focused, and put forth your best effort in every scholarship application. With dedication and determination, you can increase your likelihood of securing a scholarship to support your academic journey at IFM or any other educational institution.


Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) stands tall as a premier destination for aspiring fashion marketers. With a rich history, a dynamic curriculum, and a commitment to excellence, IFM prepares students for rewarding careers in the fashion industry. So, if you’re ready to unleash your creativity, immerse yourself in the world of fashion, and explore the fascinating realm of marketing, IFM could be the ideal platform to kickstart your journey.


Q: What is the duration of the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program at IFM?

A: The program typically spans three years.

Q: Are there scholarships available for international students at IFM?

A: Yes, IFM offers various scholarships and financial aid options for eligible international students.

Q: Can I pursue multiple specializations in the Bachelor Fashion Marketing program?

And: While students can choose their preferred specialization, pursuing multiple specializations concurrently might not be feasible due to the program’s structured nature.

Q: Does IFM help students with job placements after graduation?

Ans: Yes, IFM has a dedicated career services department that assists students with job placements and internships.

Q: What sets IFM apart from other fashion marketing programs?

Ans: IFM’s unique combination of fashion and marketing expertise, its strong industry connections, and its location in Paris make it a distinctive and sought-after institution for fashion enthusiasts.

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