Cost / Expenditure

This page explains the fees you must pay in order to join the register of sponsors. The fee you must pay will depend on whether this is your first application or if you are applying to add more tiers.

You must ensure that the correct fee is included with your application to prevent your application from being rejected.

If you are already registered or have an application pending and are applying to add more tiers

If you are registering for the first time

TierFee for small sponsors or sponsor with charitable statusFee for large sponsor
Tier 2 only£300£1000
Tier 2 and tier 4£400£1000
Tier 2 and tier 5£400£1000
Tier 2 and tier 4 and tier 5£400£1000
Tier 4 only£400£400
Tier 4 and tier 5£400£400
Tier 5 only£400£400

 If you are already registered or have an application pending and are applying to add more tiers

Tier you have already registered underTier you want to addFee for small sponsors or sponsor with charitable statusFee for large sponsor
Tier 2 onlyTier 4£100£0
Tier 5£100£0
Tier 4 and tier 5£100£0
Tier 2 and 4Tier 5£0£0
Tier 2 and 5 Tier 4 £0£0 
Tier 4 only Tier 2 £0£600 
Tier 5 £0£0 
Tier 2 and 5 £0£600 
Tier 4 and 5 Tier 2 £0 £600 
Tier 5 only Tier 2 £0 £600 
Tier 4 £0 £0 
Tier 2 and 4£0 £600

If the table above shows you do not need to pay an additional fee to add more tiers to your licence or a pending application make sure that you select 0 as the fee on the payment section of the sponsor application online.

If an application is received with an incorrect fee, where an additional payment is required, for example if you pay £300 when the appropriate fee is £400, your application will be rejected and you will be required to re-submit your application, including completing another on-line application form.

If Home Office have any doubts about whether your organisation meets the criteria for the category in which you have paid the fee, further checks may be made, and Home Office may ask for additional documents to those sent supporting your application.

When Home Office take the fee for the licence

Home Office charge a fee to consider your application and not to issue a decision. You must send the fee with your application, or your application will be rejected and returned without further consideration.

The appropriate fee is charged when the application is received. The fee will not be refunded if you withdraw your application or your application is refused. It is your responsibility to make sure you want to apply before sending us the submission sheet and supporting documents.

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If you want to register each of your branches separately, every individual branch applying must pay the relevant fee. If you want to register your head office and all United Kingdom branches together, you pay a single licensing fee.