How to Apply for a UK Family Visa from Mongolia

Applying for a UK Family Visa from Mongolia can be an exciting yet daunting process. Whether you plan to join your spouse, partner, or other family members in the UK, it’s essential to understand the requirements and procedures involved. This article will guide you through the step-by-step process of obtaining a UK Family Visa, ensuring you are well-prepared for the journey ahead. Table of Contents 1. Understanding the UK Family Visa • What is a UK Family Visa? • Types of UK Family Visas 2. Eligibility Criteria UK Family Visa from Mongolia • Sponsor’s Eligibility • Applicant’s Eligibility 3.  Required Documents UK Family Visa from Mongolia • Sponsor’s Documents • Applicant’s Documents 4. Financial Requirements • Minimum Income Threshold • Adequate Accommodation 5. The Application Process • Online Application • Biometrics Appointment 6. Processing Time and Fees • Visa Processing Time • Application Fees 7. Attending the Visa Interview • Preparation • Dos and Don’ts 8. Visa Decision and Collection • Waiting for the Decision • Collecting Your Visa 9. Arriving in the UK • Immigration Control • Extending Your Visa 10. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Understanding the UK Family Visa

What is a UK Family Visa?

• The UK Family Visa allows individuals from outside the EEA and Switzerland to join their family members in the UK.

• It is designed for spouses, partners, children, and other dependents of UK residents.

• The sponsor, who is a UK resident family member, must be a British citizen, hold settled status, or have refugee/humanitarian protection.

• The sponsor needs to meet the minimum income threshold to support their family financially.

• The applicant must have a genuine relationship with the sponsor to be eligible for the visa.

• Both the sponsor and the applicant need to provide various documents to support the visa application.

• The sponsor’s documents include their passport, proof of residence in the UK, financial documents, and evidence of the relationship with the applicant.

• The applicant needs to provide their passport, proof of relationship with the sponsor, tuberculosis test results, and criminal record certificates from relevant countries.

• The visa application is submitted online through the UK government website.

• Applicants are required to attend a biometrics appointment at a Visa Application Center in their home country to provide fingerprints and photographs.

• The processing time for UK Family Visas may vary, and it’s advisable to apply well in advance of the intended travel date.

• There are application fees that need to be paid, and the fee structure may change over time, so applicants should check the latest information before applying.

• In some cases, applicants may need to attend a visa interview as part of the application process.

• Applicants should be honest and provide concise answers during the interview to avoid visa refusal.

• If the visa is approved, the applicant will receive a vignette sticker in their passport, allowing them to travel to the UK.

• Upon arrival in the UK, they need to go through immigration control and present their passport and visa to the immigration officer.

• If they wish to stay longer in the UK, they may need to apply for a visa extension before their current visa expires.

Understanding these key points will help applicants navigate the UK Family Visa application process successfully and join their family members in the UK. How to Apply for a UK Family Visa from Mongolia

Types of UK Family Visas

• Spouse Visa: This visa is for individuals who are married to a UK resident and wish to join their spouse in the UK.

• Unmarried Partner Visa: For couples who have been living together in a relationship akin to marriage for at least two years and want to live together in the UK.

• Fiancé(e) Visa: Designed for individuals who plan to marry their UK resident partner in the UK within six months.

• Proposed Civil Partner Visa: For individuals intending to register a civil partnership with their UK resident partner.

• Civil Partner Visa: For individuals who have already registered a civil partnership with their UK resident partner and want to live together in the UK.

• Parent Visa: This visa allows parents to join their child who is a British citizen or settled in the UK and is under 18 years of age.

• Dependent Child Visa: For children under 18 years of age who want to join their parents or parents in the UK.

• Adult Dependent Relative Visa: This visa is for elderly dependent relatives of a British citizen or a person settled in the UK.

Each type of UK Family Visa has specific requirements and conditions that applicants must meet to be eligible. Understanding the appropriate visa category based on the relationship with the UK resident family member is crucial for a successful visa application.

Eligibility Criteria

Sponsor’s Eligibility:

• The sponsor must be a British citizen, hold settled status in the UK, or have refugee/humanitarian protection.

• The sponsor should be at least 18 years old.

• If the sponsor is financially dependent on public funds, they are not eligible to sponsor a family visa.

• The sponsor must meet the minimum income threshold to support their family member financially.

• If the sponsor is on certain benefits, they might be exempt from meeting the income requirement.

Applicant’s Eligibility:

• The applicant must have a genuine relationship with the sponsor, such as being a spouse, partner, child, or dependent relative.

• If applying as a spouse or partner, the applicant and the sponsor must be at least 18 years old.

• The applicant should not be within the prohibited categories of immigration offenders.

• If the applicant has any criminal convictions, it might affect their eligibility for the visa.

• The applicant needs to provide evidence of their identity, relationship with the sponsor, and English language proficiency, if applicable.

• If applying as a dependent child, the child must be under 18 years old.

Meeting these eligibility criteria is essential for the successful application of a UK Family Visa. It’s crucial for both the sponsor and the applicant to provide accurate and relevant documents to prove their eligibility and relationship with each other.

Required Documents UK Family Visa from Mongolia

To apply for a UK Family Visa from Mongolia, you will need to submit various documents as part of your application. One of the requirements is likely to be providing proof of your relationship with the family member in the UK whom you intend to join. The specific documents needed may vary depending on the type of family visa you are applying for (e.g., spouse, partner, parent, child, etc.), but generally, the following documents may be required:

1. Passport: A valid passport or travel document for each applicant, with at least one blank page for the visa vignette.

2. Application Form: You will need to complete the appropriate application form for the UK Family Visa. This can usually be done online.

3. Passport-Sized Photographs: Recent passport-sized photographs of each applicant, following the UK visa photo requirements.

4. Relationship Evidence: You must provide evidence of your relationship with your family member in the UK. This may include marriage certificates, civil partnership certificates, birth certificates (for children), or other documents proving your family relationship.

5. Financial Documents: You may need to show that you meet the financial requirements to support yourself and any dependents without recourse to public funds. This could include bank statements, employment letters, or proof of sufficient funds.

6. Accommodation Details: Evidence of suitable accommodation arrangements in the UK, such as a tenancy agreement or a letter of invitation from your sponsoring family member, may be required.

7. English Language Proficiency: Depending on the visa type, you might need to demonstrate your English language proficiency by taking an approved English language test.

8. Tuberculosis Test Results: In some cases, applicants from certain countries, including Mongolia, may need to undergo a tuberculosis (TB) test and provide the results.

9. Travel Itinerary: A proposed travel itinerary, including your intended date of entry and intended duration of stay in the UK.

10. Other Supporting Documents: Additional documents may be needed to support your application, such as employment letters, educational certificates, or any other relevant information.

It’s important to check the specific requirements for the type of family visa you are applying for, as they may vary slightly. Make sure to gather all the necessary documents and ensure they meet the UKVI’s guidelines to avoid delays or rejection of your application. It is also advisable to seek advice from the official UK government website or consult with an immigration advisor for more tailored guidance.

Applicant’s Documents:

• Applicant’s valid passport or travel document.

• Proof of the relationship with the sponsor, such as marriage certificates, civil partnership certificates, or birth certificates for children.

• If applicable, evidence of previous divorces or relationship terminations for both the applicant and the sponsor.

• Tuberculosis test results, if required for the applicant’s country of residence.

• Criminal record certificates from all relevant countries where the applicant has lived for more than 12 months in the past ten years.

• If the applicant is under 18 years old, written consent from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) allowing them to travel to the UK.

• If the applicant is over 18 and financially dependent on their parent(s) or legal guardian(s), evidence of this dependency.

It’s crucial to ensure that all the required documents are accurate, up-to-date, and submitted with the visa application. Providing the correct documentation will help demonstrate the authenticity of the relationship and meet the necessary eligibility requirements for a successful UK Family Visa application

Financial Requirements

Minimum Income Threshold

• The sponsor, who is a UK resident family member, must meet a minimum income threshold to sponsor their family member’s visa application.

• The minimum income threshold may vary depending on the applicant’s relationship with the sponsor and whether they have dependent children.

• If the applicant is applying as a partner or spouse without dependent children, the minimum income threshold is typically higher.

• In some cases, the sponsor may be exempt from meeting the income requirement if they receive certain benefits or allowances.

• If the sponsor does not meet the income threshold, they may still be eligible if they can demonstrate sufficient savings to support their family member.

• The savings amount required as an alternative to the income threshold depends on the applicant’s circumstances and the number of dependents.

• The savings must be held for a specific period, usually for six months continuously, in the sponsor’s bank account or joint account with their partner.

• The sponsor needs to provide evidence of their income and/or savings through documents like pay stubs, bank statements, tax records, or employment contracts.

• If the sponsor is self-employed, they may need to provide business-related financial documents, such as tax returns and audited accounts.

• If the sponsor has received income from other sources, such as property rentals or investments, relevant documentation supporting that income should be provided.

Meeting the financial requirements is crucial for the successful application of a UK Family Visa. Applicants must ensure that the sponsor’s income or savings meet the minimum threshold or provide acceptable alternatives to demonstrate that they can support the family member financially during their stay in the UK.

The Application Process

Here’s a step-by-step guide to the UK Family Visa application process from Mongolia:

1. Determine Eligibility:

• Before starting the application process, ensure that both the sponsor and the applicant meet the eligibility criteria for the specific type of UK Family Visa they are applying for.

2. Gather Required Documents:

• Collect all the necessary documents for the visa application, including passports, proof of relationship, financial documents, tuberculosis test results (if applicable), and criminal record certificates.

3. Complete Online Application:

• The visa application is submitted online through the official UK government website. Create an account, fill in the application form accurately, and double-check all information before submission.

4. Pay Application Fee:

• Pay the required application fee as per the visa category and duration. The fee must be paid online during the application process.

5. Biometrics Appointment:

• After submitting the online application and paying the fee, the applicant needs to schedule a biometrics appointment at a Visa Application Center in their home country. During the appointment, the applicant will provide fingerprints and photographs.

6. Attend the Visa Interview (if required):

• In some cases, applicants may need to attend a visa interview as part of the application process. If notified, prepare for the interview by reviewing your application and supporting documents.

7. Wait for the Decision:

 After completing the biometrics appointment and any necessary interviews, the application will be processed by the UK authorities. The processing time may vary, but applicants can check the status of their application online.

8. Receive the Visa Decision:

• Once a decision is made, the applicant will be notified about the outcome of their visa application. If approved, the applicant will receive a vignette sticker in their passport.

9. Collect the Visa:

 If the visa is approved, the applicant needs to collect their passport with the vignette sticker from the Visa Application Center.

10. Arriving in the UK:

• Upon arrival in the UK, the applicant will go through immigration control. They must present their passport and visa to the immigration officer.

11. Extend the Visa (if needed):

• If the applicant wishes to stay longer in the UK, they may need to apply for a visa extension before their current visa expires.

It’s essential to follow the application process carefully, submit accurate information and required documents, and meet all the deadlines to ensure a smooth and successful UK Family Visa application

Attending the Visa Interview:

In some cases, applicants for a UK Family Visa may be required to attend a visa interview as part of the application process. The visa interview is an opportunity for the UK authorities to further assess the applicant’s eligibility and the authenticity of the relationship with the sponsor.


• Before the interview, thoroughly review your visa application and all supporting documents to be well-prepared for any questions that may arise.

• Familiarize yourself with the specific visa category you are applying for, as well as the requirements and conditions associated with it.

• Dress appropriately for the interview, presenting yourself professionally and respectfully.

Dos and Don’ts:

• Do be honest and straightforward with your answers. Providing false or misleading information can lead to visa refusal.

• Do bring any additional documents that might support your application or clarify any points in question.

• Do stay calm and composed during the interview, and answer questions clearly and concisely.

• Don’t be evasive or uncooperative during the interview, as it may raise suspicion.

• Don’t bring unnecessary or irrelevant documents that could clutter your application.


• After the interview, the visa officer will make an assessment based on the information provided and the documents submitted.

• If your application is approved, you will be informed about the next steps, including the collection of your passport with the visa vignette.

• If your application is refused, you will receive a written explanation outlining the reasons for the refusal and information about the right to appeal the decision, if applicable.

Remember that the visa interview is an essential part of the application process, and it is crucial to be well-prepared and honest throughout the interaction. Being respectful and cooperative can positively impact the outcome of your UK Family Visa application

Visa Decision and Collection

Waiting for the Decision

After the interview, wait for the decision. It may take some time, but you can track your application status online.

Collecting Your Visa

If your visa is approved, you will receive a vignette sticker on your passport. Collect your passport and visa from the Visa Application Center.

Arriving in the UK

Immigration Control

When you arrive in the UK, you will go through immigration control. Present your passport and visa to the immigration officer.

Extending Your Visa

If you wish to stay longer in the UK, you may need to apply for a visa extension before your current visa expires.


Obtaining a UK Family Visa from Mongolia requires careful preparation, understanding the eligibility criteria, and providing the necessary documents. By following the outlined steps in this article, you can ensure a smoother application process and increase your chances of a successful visa application. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 1. Can I work in the UK with a Family Visa? Ans: Yes, you are allowed to work in the UK with a Family Visa. 2. Can I study in the UK on a Family Visa? Ans: Yes, you can study in the UK with a Family Visa, but you may need to pay international student fees. 3. Can I bring my dependents with me? Ans: Yes, you can include dependent children in your Family Visa application. 4. What if my sponsor’s income is below the threshold? Ans: If your sponsor’s income is below the threshold, they may still be eligible if they have enough savings or meet other financial requirements. 5. Can I switch to a different visa category later? Ans: Yes, you may be able to switch to a different visa category later if you meet the eligibility criteria for that visa. Consult with the UK immigration authorities for guidance.

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