How to Apply for a UK Visitor Visa from Indonesia

If you are an Indonesian citizen looking to visit the United Kingdom for tourism, business, or to visit family and friends, you will need to apply for a UK visit visa.

The process of obtaining a UK visit visa from Indonesia involves several steps, and it is essential to follow them diligently to ensure a smooth application.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Types of visitor
3 Indonesia to UK Required Documents
4 Indonesia to UK Requirement
5 4 How to Apply Indonesia to UK Fill Application Form
6 Attending the Visa Biometrics Appointment
7 Waiting for Visa Processing
8 Preparing for the UK Trip
9 Exploring the United Kingdom
10 Understanding UK Visa Rejection Reasons
11 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Before you embark on your journey to the UK, understanding the visa application process is essential. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered! This guide will provide you with the necessary information to apply for a UK visitor visa from Indonesia, ensuring a smooth and successful application.

2. Types of UK Visitor Visa

When it comes to applying for a UK visitor visa from Indonesia, determining the right visa type is a critical first step. The United Kingdom offers several types of visitor visas, each designed for specific purposes. Understanding the different visa options will help you choose the one that best suits your travel plans and ensures a successful application.

1. Standard Visitor Visa: This is the most common visa type for tourism, visiting family or friends, or attending business-related activities like conferences or meetings. It allows you to stay in the UK for up to 6 months.
2. Family Visitor Visa: If you have close family members residing in the UK, this visa allows you to visit them for up to 6 months. It is essential to prove your relationship with the UK resident and the purpose of your visit.
3. Business Visitor Visa: This visa is suitable for individuals traveling to the UK for short-term business-related activities, such as attending seminars, conferences, or negotiating business deals. It also allows a stay of up to 6 months.
4. Marriage Visitor Visa: If you intend to marry or register a civil partnership in the UK, this visa allows you to do so within a specific timeframe. You must provide evidence of your intention to marry during your visit.
5. Permitted Paid Engagement Visa: This visa is for artists, entertainers, and academics invited to the UK for short-term paid engagements. The stay duration is limited to the duration of the engagement.
6. Parent of a Tier 4 Child Visa: This visa is for parents of children who are studying in the UK under a Tier 4 (Child) student visa. It allows you to stay for up to 12 months.

To determine the right visa type for your visit, consider the purpose of your trip and how long you intend to stay. Ensure that you meet all the eligibility criteria and have the necessary supporting documents for the specific visa you choose to apply for.

3. Indonesia to UK Visit Visa: Required Documents

Gathering the required documents is a crucial step in the process of applying for a UK visitor visa from Indonesia. Having the right documentation is essential to support your visa application and demonstrate to the authorities that you meet all the requirements for entry into the United Kingdom. \

Here’s a detailed explanation of this step:

1. Valid Passport: Ensure that your passport is valid for at least six months from the date of your intended travel to the UK. It should also have at least one blank page for visa stamping.
2. Passport-sized Photographs: Provide recent passport-sized photographs that meet the UK’s specific photo requirements. These photos will be used for your visa application and should be taken against a plain light-colored background.
3. Proof of Accommodation: Include documentation such as hotel reservations, a letter of invitation from a UK resident, or any other evidence showing where you will be staying during your visit to the UK.
4. Travel Itinerary: Present a detailed travel plan outlining your intended activities in the UK, including places you plan to visit, any events or appointments, and your overall travel schedule.
5. Financial Documents: Show evidence of sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your stay in the UK. This may include bank statements, pay slips, or other financial documents that prove you can support yourself financially without seeking employment.
6. Employment or Business Documentation: If you are employed, provide a letter from your employer stating your position, length of employment, and permission for your leave of absence. If you are self-employed, submit business registration documents and tax records.
7. Proof of Ties to Indonesia: Demonstrate strong ties to Indonesia to assure the authorities that you have compelling reasons to return after your visit. This could include documents related to property ownership, employment contracts, family ties, or educational commitments.
8. Sponsorship Letters (if applicable): If you are being sponsored by someone in the UK, such as a family member or a business partner, include a sponsorship letter stating their willingness to cover your expenses during your stay.
9. Additional Supporting Documents: Depending on your specific visa category, you may need to provide additional documents. For example, if you are visiting family, you might need a letter of invitation from your UK-based family member.
10. Translations and Notarizations: If any of your documents are not in English, provide certified translations. Additionally, if required, have documents notarized to verify their authenticity.

It is essential to ensure that all the documents you submit are genuine, accurate, and up-to-date. Any false or misleading information can lead to visa rejection and may affect your future travel plans. Organize your documents logically, and make copies of everything for your records.

4. Indonesia to UK Requirement

Filling out the online application form is a critical part of the process when applying for a UK visitor visa from Indonesia. The UK visa application process is primarily conducted online, and it’s essential to provide accurate and complete information to avoid any delays or complications in your visa application.

Here’s a detailed explanation of this step:

1. Access the Official Website: Start by accessing the official UK government website for visa applications. Create an account if you haven’t already and log in to begin the application process.
2. Select the Visa Type: Choose the appropriate visa type based on the purpose of your visit, as determined in the earlier step. Select “Apply for a Standard Visitor Visa” or the relevant visa category.
3. Fill in Personal Information: Begin by providing your details, including your full name, date of birth, nationality, passport details, and contact information. Make sure all the information matches the details on your passport.
4. Travel Details: Enter the intended travel dates, duration of stay, and the address where you’ll be staying in the UK.
5. Travel History: Declare your previous travel history, including any previous visits to the UK or other countries. Be honest and accurate in providing this information.
6. Immigration History: Disclose any previous immigration or visa-related issues you may have encountered in the past.
7. Employment and Financial Information: Provide details about your current employment status, including your job title, employer’s name and address, and the length of your employment. Include information about your income and financial situation to demonstrate your ability to finance your trip.
8. Criminal Convictions: Declare any criminal convictions or civil offenses you may have, as failing to do so can result in visa rejection.
9. Travel Purpose: Explain the purpose of your visit to the UK clearly and concisely. If you are visiting family or friends, attending a business meeting, or coming for tourism, state it clearly.
10. Sponsorship Information (if applicable): If you are being sponsored by someone in the UK, provide their details and explain the nature of the sponsorship.
11. Travel Insurance: Indicate whether you have travel insurance that covers your entire stay in the UK.
12. Biometric Appointment: After completing the online form, you will be prompted to book a biometric appointment at the nearest UK Visa Application Centre in Indonesia. Follow the instructions to secure your position.
13. Double-Check Your Application: Before applying, review all the information you’ve entered to ensure accuracy and completeness. Make any necessary corrections before finalizing the submission.
14. Payment: Pay the visa application fee online using the accepted payment methods.

Once you have successfully submitted the online application, you will receive an email confirmation. Print a copy of the application form and the appointment confirmation for your records.

5. How to Apply Indonesia to UK Fill Application Form

Here’s a detailed explanation of this step:

1. Visit the VFS Global Website: The UK Visa Application process in Indonesia is managed by VFS Global. Visit the official VFS Global website and navigate to the UK visa section.
2. Create an Account: If you don’t have an account on the VFS Global website, create one to start the appointment booking process.
3. Log in and Select Appointment Category: Log in to your VFS Global account and select the “Schedule Appointment” option. Choose the appropriate visa category and purpose of your visit, which will likely be a “Visitor Visa.”
4. Choose the Nearest VAC: Select the nearest UK Visa Application Centre from the available options. Ensure that the VAC you choose is convenient for you to travel to and within a reasonable distance from your location.
5. Select Appointment Date and Time: After selecting the VAC, you will be presented with available appointment dates and times. Choose a suitable date and time that aligns with your travel plans and provides ample time for visa processing.
6. Complete Applicant Details: Provide all the required applicant details, including your full name, passport number, date of birth, and visa application reference number.
7. Confirm Appointment: Double-check all the information you provided, confirm the appointment, and proceed to the payment section.
8. Pay the Biometric Appointment Fee: Pay the biometric appointment fee as required by VFS Global. This fee covers the cost of collecting your fingerprints and photograph, which are essential for visa processing.
9. Print Appointment Confirmation: After successful payment, you will receive an appointment confirmation with all the details of your scheduled appointment. Print a copy of this confirmation as you will need to present it on the day of your appointment.
10. Attend the Biometric Appointment: On the scheduled date, arrive at the UK Visa Application Centre at least 15 minutes before your appointment time. Bring the printed appointment confirmation, your passport, and all the required supporting documents.
11. Biometric Process: At the VAC, you will undergo the biometric process, which involves having your fingerprints and photograph taken. This information is used to verify your identity and process your visa application.
12. Submit Supporting Documents: After the biometric process, submit all the required supporting documents, including your passport and application form, to the VAC staff.
13. Collect Receipt: Once you have submitted all the documents, you will receive a receipt acknowledging the submission of your visa application.
14. Wait for Visa Processing: After submitting your application and biometric data, you must wait for UK Visas and Immigration to process your application. The processing time can vary, so be patient and check the status of your application online if available.

6. Attending the Visa Biometrics Appointment

At your visa appointment, you’ll need to provide your biometric information, including fingerprints and a photograph. This information is used to verify your identity and process your visa application. Remember to carry all the original documents for verification purposes.

7. Waiting for Visa Processing

Patience is crucial during the visa processing period. The processing time can vary based on factors like visa type and application volume. You can track the status of your application online and wait for the decision notification.

8. Preparing for the UK Trip

Preparing for your UK trip is an exciting phase, filled with anticipation and the joy of exploring a new destination. Once you have successfully obtained your UK visitor visa from Indonesia, it’s time to take care of various practical matters to ensure a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Here’s a detailed explanation of this step:

1. Check Visa Expiry Date: Before making any travel arrangements, double-check the expiry date of your UK visitor visa. Ensure that it covers the entire duration of your planned stay in the UK.
2. Book Flights and Accommodation: Secure your flight tickets to the UK and book accommodation in advance. Consider staying in locations that offer easy access to the places you intend to visit.
3. Travel Insurance: Purchase comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost baggage, and other unforeseen events during your stay in the UK.
4. Currency and Finances: Exchange your Indonesian Rupiah to British Pounds before your departure or upon arrival in the UK. Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with card transactions abroad.
5. Pack Wisely: Pack appropriate clothing for the weather conditions in the UK during your visit. Be prepared for a mix of sunny days and occasional rain.
6. Important Documents: Make photocopies or digital scans of essential documents, including your passport, visa, travel insurance, flight tickets, and accommodation reservations. Keep these copies in a separate place from the originals.
7. Medications and Health: Bring any necessary medications and a first-aid kit. Carry a copy of your prescriptions and any medical documents you might need.
8. Adapters and Electronics: Check the UK’s power plug standards and bring suitable adapters for your electronic devices.
9. Learn About UK Customs: Familiarize yourself with UK customs and etiquette to ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience during your stay.
10. Emergency Contact Information: Keep a list of emergency contact numbers for both the UK and Indonesia.
11. Transportation: Research the local transportation options in the UK, such as trains, buses, and taxis, to help you get around efficiently.
12. Local Events and Attractions: Look up local events, festivals, and attractions happening during your stay in the UK. This will help you plan your itinerary better.
13. Stay Informed: Stay updated on the COVID-19 travel restrictions, requirements, and safety guidelines that might be in place during your visit.
14. Respect the Culture: Embrace the UK’s diverse culture and be respectful of local customs and traditions.
15. Safety and Security: Be mindful of your belongings and avoid high-risk areas. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.

9. Exploring the United Kingdom

As you step foot on UK soil, get ready to experience a vibrant mix of history, culture, and modernity. Visit the iconic Big Ben, explore the Tower of London, stroll along the Thames, and immerse yourself in the British way of life. Don’t forget to try some traditional fish and chips!

10. Understanding UK Visa Rejection Reasons

In some unfortunate cases, visa applications may get rejected. Understanding the common reasons for visa rejections, such as insufficient funds, incorrect documentation, or suspicious intentions, can help you avoid pitfalls in your next application.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I extend my UK visitor visa?

Ans: Yes, in some situations, you can apply to extend your UK visitor visa. Make sure to apply before your visa expires and provide a valid reason for the extension.

2. Can I work in the UK with a visitor visa?

Ans: No, a visitor visa does not permit you to work in the UK. It is strictly for tourism, visiting family, or conducting business activities allowed under the visa’s terms.

3. Can I study in the UK with a visitor visa?

Ans: No, a visitor visa is not intended for studying in the UK. If you plan to study, you must apply for a student visa.

4. How long can I stay in the UK on a visitor visa?

Ans: The duration of your stay depends on the visa type and individual circumstances. Generally, a Standard Visitor Visa allows a stay of up to 6 months.

5. Can I apply for a UK visitor visa again if my application was previously rejected?

Ans: Yes, you can reapply. However, it is essential to address the reasons for the previous rejection and ensure your new application meets all the requirements.


Applying for a UK visitor visa from Indonesia can be a straightforward process if you follow the steps outlined in this guide. Remember to gather all the necessary documents, fill out the online application accurately, and prepare well for your trip. Exploring the UK’s beautiful landscapes and iconic landmarks will undoubtedly be a memorable experience. Happy travels!

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